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EVN Klimainitiative

Wo Energie fließt, ist auch Leben. Denn Energie ist Leben.

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US Fuels Institute: Climate Change and Urbanization

Weltkugel aus Autos
With nearly 1.5 billion vehicles in the world, and with more than 90 million new vehicles sold annually, it is impossible to envision a transition to relying on only battery electric vehicles any time soon.
© Fuels Institute

Transport-related GHG emissions and air pollution are increasing. After all the oil and car industries have done globally to clean up fuels and vehicles over the last 20 years, air pollution is actually worse than ever in many parts of the world as more and more people with growing incomes buy cars. Efforts to mitigate climate change from transport have taken on new importance following the ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2016. Growing urbanization is another concern, with a projected 70% of the global population expected to reside in cities by 2050, according to the United Nations.

By 2040, world population is expected to reach 9.1 billion, up from 7.3 billion today. Over that same period, global GDP will effectively double, with non-OECD countries seeing particularly high levels of economic growth. Key countries will be located in Asia and Africa. This means rising living standards in essentially every corner of the world, and billions of people joining the global middle class. This economic expansion, coupled with growing numbers of people, will help drive up global energy demand by about 25% by the year 2040, similar to adding another North America and Latin America to the world’s current energy demand (ExxonMobil 2017). As millions (even billions) join the middle class, they will want to leave public transport behind for personal mobility and buy a car.

Global Initiatives on Fuels & Vehicles
The report “Global Initiatives” published by the US Fuels Institute, discusses and compares the current and future governmental regulations affecting the fuels and vehicles market. Along with highlighting trends and initiatives, the report also gives a fantastic overview of where the regulations are currently being implemented and how fast they are spreading across the world.

Link to the US Report about Global Initiatives

The US Fuels Institute, founded by NACS in 2013 is a non-profit research-orientated think tank dedicated to evaluating the market issues related to vehicles and the fuels that power them. For further information please visit