
EVN Klimainitiative

EVN Klimainitiative

Wo Energie fließt, ist auch Leben. Denn Energie ist Leben.

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Solar – an Energy that includes Sustainability and Ethics.

The origin and continuation of humankind is based on solar energy. The most basic processes supporting life on earth, such as photosynthesis and the rain cycle, are driven by the solar energy. From the very beginning of its history, the humankind realized that a good use of solar energy is in humankind’s benefit. Despite this, only recently, during the last 40 years, has the solar energy been harnessed with specialized equipment and used as an alternative source of energy, mainly because it is free and does not harm the environment.

The US based Elsevier Science and Technology Books Company ( has published three books about solar energy. They are masterworks from world-renowed experts who have championed solar energy for decades.

The books are: Solar Energy Conversion Systems by Jeffrey R.S.Browson (ISBN 978-012-397021-3), and Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems by Soteris Kalogirou (ISBN 978-012-397270-5) and Solar Energy Markets (ISBN 978-012-397174-6)