
EVN Klimainitiative

EVN Klimainitiative

Wo Energie fließt, ist auch Leben. Denn Energie ist Leben.

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The Brookings Global China project

China’s increasing involvement impacting South Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and elsewhere

From a potential „responsible stakeholder” to a “strategic competitor”, the U.S. government’s assessment of China has changed dramatically in recent years. China has emerged as a truly global actor, impacting every region and every major issue area. To better address the implications for America policy and the multilateral order, Brookings scholars are undertaking a two-year-project – “Global China: Assessing China’s Growing Role in the World” – intended to furnish policymakers and the public with a news empirical baseline for understanding China’s regional and global ambitions.

Link to China’s Growing Role in the World

The Brookings Institution, founded 1916 by Robert Somers Brookings is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Its mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level.